At Demi Luxe, we have a strict policy that all sales are final and we do not offer refunds under any circumstances. However, we do provide the option to exchange your item within 7 days of delivery. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we are happy to offer a one-time exchange for an item of equal or greater value. Please note that jewelry items can only be exchanged for other jewelry items. For assistance with your exchange, please email us at OR Text us on instragram @thedemiluxe and we will guide you through the process.
And the event that you need to return an item due to a manufacturing issue or ring sizing, please request a return number before sending your package. It is important to note that Demi Luxe is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur during shipping. Additionally, you must include the original sales receipt or order number with your return package. The package should be mailed to the address provided in the instructions you receive from, and your name, address, and return authorization number must be clearly printed on the outside of the package.
Please take note that all returns must be packed properly, just as the item was originally shipped to you, with contents properly covered and taped. If a package is not correctly packed, it will not be considered eligible for return or exchange. Once Demi Luxe receives your package, we will contact you. Our quality inspection team will need to confirm that the returned jewelry is in its original condition and has not been excessively worn or damaged within the 7-day period. All items must be returned in their original condition.